Woodland Hills Christian Church

Kevin Cushing

Kevin was a pastor’s kid, and quickly came to understand that loving God was the most important choice he could make in his life. As he got older he came to appreciate that a relationship with Jesus Christ was not only spiritually fulfilling, but intellectually and emotionally satisfying as well. Professionally, Kevin started off acting on stage and in media, and he wrote and directed some Christian films and documentaries when he was a young man.  He spent many years in motion picture and television development, and then as a marketing executive at a successful dotcom. Throughout his career, Kevin has maintained a close relationship and love for the local church and has been a sought-after speaker as well as writer of devotions and dramatic material used in worship.


“For I determined to know nothing while I was with you but Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” (1 Corinthians 2:2) When the apostle Paul wrote this in his letter to Corinth, it was because the church there had started to divide into factions.  Just a few decades after the resurrection, the new Christian church was showing signs of wanting to form denominations and competing schools of thought.  Members would argue angrily with each other about which group had the right balance and emphasis in their teaching. As a Christian Church, we come from a revival movement that began in America in the 19th century and quickly became one of the most popular and unifying Christian movements of that century.  Those who flocked to the new Christian churches had grown tired of complicated denominational labels and endless debates over non- essential issues.  They wanted to come together around the simple creed that Jesus Christ was Lord and that salvation was found through his work on the cross.  They sought to restore to what was most essential to the church in the New Testament.  Their view was that those who joined the Christian church were not saying “we’re the only Christians,” but they wanted to be known as “Christians only.”  And they emphasized two primary ordinances which they saw heavily practiced in the New Testament—which was water baptism and the taking of the Lord’s Supper. In the sermon series we have just started, we are taking a look at seven sermons preached by the apostles in the book of Acts, which is the early history book of the Christian Church.  What did the apostles focus on when they preached?  What was most important to them, and what messages did their listeners respond to? We, like Paul, should be willing to shed our interest in less important controversies and be eager to focus on Jesus Christ and him crucified.  In addition to this latest sermon series, there is a new opportunity to learn more about what we believe as a Christian Church.  We have a New Member class which we are offering on the first Sunday of every month, immediately following the morning service.  This month it will be offered on February 2nd, and again on March 2nd, at approximately 11:15am.  Even if you have attended WHCC for a while you may be interested in learning about the background of our particular church and what it is we believe and emphasize in our doctrine.  So feel free to take advantage of this learning opportunity, which will help us introduce new attendees to the opportunity to consider membership and become active at WHCC. I thank the Lord for each one of you who comes to our Bible study and service, whether you take part in person or on-line.  I look forward to sharing this exciting new series called “You Will Receive Power.” May the blessing of Christ be with you! Kevin
Woodland Hills  Christian Church

Kevin Cushing

Kevin was a pastor’s kid, and quickly came to understand that loving God was the most important choice he could make in his life. As he got older he came to appreciate that a relationship with Jesus Christ was not only spiritually fulfilling, but intellectually and emotionally satisfying as well. Professionally, Kevin started off acting on stage and in media, and he wrote and directed some Christian films and documentaries when he was a young man.  He spent many years in motion picture and television development, and then as a marketing executive at a successful dotcom. Throughout his career, Kevin has maintained a close relationship and love for the local church and has been a sought-after speaker as well as writer of devotions and dramatic material used in worship.


“For I determined to know nothing while I was with you but Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” (1 Corinthians 2:2) When the apostle Paul wrote this in his letter to Corinth, it was because the church there had started to divide into factions.  Just a few decades after the resurrection, the new Christian church was showing signs of wanting to form denominations and competing schools of thought.  Members would argue angrily with each other about which group had the right balance and emphasis in their teaching. As a Christian Church, we come from a revival movement that began in America in the 19th century and quickly became one of the most popular and unifying Christian movements of that century.  Those who flocked to the new Christian churches had grown tired of complicated denominational labels and endless debates over non-essential issues.  They wanted to come together around the simple creed that Jesus Christ was Lord and that salvation was found through his work on the cross.  They sought to restore to what was most essential to the church in the New Testament.  Their view was that those who joined the Christian church were not saying “we’re the only Christians,” but they wanted to be known as “Christians only.”  And they emphasized two primary ordinances which they saw heavily practiced in the New Testament—which was water baptism and the taking of the Lord’s Supper. In the sermon series we have just started, we are taking a look at seven sermons preached by the apostles in the book of Acts, which is the early history book of the Christian Church.  What did the apostles focus on when they preached?  What was most important to them, and what messages did their listeners respond to? We, like Paul, should be willing to shed our interest in less important controversies and be eager to focus on Jesus Christ and him crucified.  In addition to this latest sermon series, there is a new opportunity to learn more about what we believe as a Christian Church.  We have a New Member class which we are offering on the first Sunday of every month, immediately following the morning service.  This month it will be offered on February 2nd, and again on March 2nd, at approximately 11:15am.  Even if you have attended WHCC for a while you may be interested in learning about the background of our particular church and what it is we believe and emphasize in our doctrine.  So feel free to take advantage of this learning opportunity, which will help us introduce new attendees to the opportunity to consider membership and become active at WHCC. I thank the Lord for each one of you who comes to our Bible study and service, whether you take part in person or on-line.  I look forward to sharing this exciting new series called “You Will Receive Power.” May the blessing of Christ be with you! Kevin